Authors’ Rights

Authors retain the following rights:

  • The right to post the manuscript on preprint servers such as arXiv or bioRxiv, as long as authors retain distribution rights and that a link to the published article in ASPH is included.
  • The right to archive a postprint (accepted manuscript) on personal web pages.
  • The right to archive a postprint (accepted manuscript) in their funding body’s archive or designated non-commercial institutional repository upon publication, provided that a link to the article is included.
  • The right to post the PDF of their article on their personal website. A link to the article must be included.
  • The right to make electronic or hard copies of articles for their personal use, including classroom use, or for the personal use of colleagues, provided those copies are not for sale and are not distributed in a systematic way outside of their employing institution.
  • Authors retain the copyright of the work.
  • The right to use all or part of their article is a compilation of their own works, such as collected writings or lecture notes.
  • If the article is a “work for hire” made within the scope of the author’s employment, the employer may use all or part of the information in the article for intracompany use.
  • The right to include the article in the author’s thesis or dissertation.
  • The right to publish a new or extended version of the article provided that it is sufficiently different to be considered a new work.
  • The right to expand the article into book-length form for publication.
  • The right to permit others to use the original figures or tables published for non-commercial and educational use (i.e., in a review article, in a book that is not for sale), provided that the full journal reference is cited.
  • The right to reuse the original figures and tables in future works.
  • Patent and trademark rights or rights to any process or procedure described in the article.
  • The right to present all or part of the paper at a meeting or conference, including ones that are webcast, and to give copies of the paper to meeting attendees before or after publication.